
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the Rickards Invitational. This invitational wouldn't be possible without you all. If you are selected to become an event supervisor, we will be following this ES Schedule and you must respect these deadlines to ensure the competition runs smoothly.

Please consider joining the Rickards Invitational Event Supervisor Team by clicking here and completing the Google form. Keep in mind that we will not be doing any lab parts of an event. Please be assured that your information will not be shared with others and your provided information will be used for the sole purpose of matching the right position with your expertise. Alternatively, email us at director@rsoi.org and one of our directors will contact you.

ES Form


If your school is participating in our invitational, you will not be able to write any tests, so check with your school before applying for a test-writing position. If you are in High School and writing for Division B, however, your school is fine to compete.

If you wish to help, you must follow this ES Schedule to ensure our competition runs smoothly.

Once again, thank you for your interest in becoming an event supervisor for the 2023 Rickards Invitational.